Guiding Companion

People often ask me, what is it that you do?

• Service Design
• Experience Design
• Human Centred Design
• Co-Design

I used to say “I design human experiences” and that would still get the blank look. Then I would resort to talking about a case study and people would start to get it.

I gave this a lot of thought and came up with the analogy of an expedition.

It’s about taking
a journey

The easiest way I can describe being a
Human Experience Designer is… 

… you walk alongside others, you look ahead to where they are heading. You grab some gear and you help them navigate the best route to take.

Leading fellow explorers on their journey

There are two parts to this role The Guide and The Companion.

I like to think of partnership of Hillary and Tenzing.

Hillary had a vision for an epic challenge but he couldn’t have done it without his guide and companion.

I can be your Guiding Companion and help you have a safe and successful journey.

Let’s climb your mountain!